quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012
Inventaram o banho sem água
O Cascão vai adorar. Inventaram, na África do Sul, o banho sem água. Seria um gel bactericida que hidrata a pele, deixa aquele "cheirinho" de banho tomado. Seria 98% biodegradável. Será verdade mesmo? E qual a eficiência? Você usaria?
"DryBath™ is the world’s first germicidal Bath-substituting™ skin lotion/gel. It is a proprietary blend of a biocide, bioflavonoids and moisturisers. It is easy to use and needs minimal water for use. ust apply DryBath™ to your skin and you’re done! You no longer need a bath! It moisturises the skin, kills germs, and leaves the user smelling fresh. DryBath™ was made to save the lives of the over 2 million destitute people who suffer and often die from easily treatable diseases like trachoma, diarrhoea, etc. DryBath™ provides its customers with an alternative, because they often do not have access to enough water to maintain a healthy personal hygiene level", diz o texto no site da Headboy Industries Inc.